Discover all the GFMD Civil Society Resources
French Chairmanship 2022 – 2024

In order to help guide strategic inputs and advocacy, the civil society delegation for the 14th GFMD Summit collectivised and streamlined common key messages for each of the 6 thematic priorities. These were then captured in fuller detail within the Civil Society Advocacy Papers, to serve as a repository of the recommendations and key points highlighted, and reference for future GFMDs.
Access the Advocacy Papers Page here.
The 14th GFMD Summit took place in Geneva, from 22-25 January 2024.
110 civil society members from 42 countries across the world, with over 51 countries of origin, were able to attend and participate in the 14th GFMD Summit.
To see all the civil society’s self-organised activities at the summit, access the dedicated page.

Read the Reflections from the three Civil Society Intersectional Rapporteurs:
- Rapporteur on Gender, Vani Saraswathi from Migrant-Rights.Org, Women in Migration Network (WIMN)
- Rapporteur on Youth, Aryan Sanghrajka, Migration Youth & Children Platform (MYCP) and Jaime Lam, International Federation for Medical Students Association (IFMSA)
- Rapporteur on Race, Paddy Siyanga Knudsen, Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism (GRFDT) and the GFMD Africa Group.
14th GFMD Summit Civil Society Opening Speech
Read the opening speech delivered by the civil society representative, Brice Monnou, Vice-president of FORIM – Le Forum des Organisations de Solidarité Internationale issues des Migrations at the 14th GFMD Summit.

The Abuja Statement is a joint advocacy statement, a result of collaborative efforts between all African civil society and diaspora participants of the Abuja Forum.
Advocacy Points CS Consultation (1)
On 12 April 2023, civil society gathered virtually for a global consultation in preparation for the 2nd GFMD Preparatory Meeting under the current French Chairmanship.

Advocacy Points CS Consultation (2)
In view of the GFMD Paris workshops, the GFMD Civil Society Mechanism organized a global civil society consultation to gather collective global civil society inputs.
Advocacy Points CS Consultation (3)
On October 11, 2023, civil society representatives contributed their insights and inputs in a virtual consultation towards the 3rd GFMD Preparatory Meeting.