How can we promote more balanced and effective narratives on migration? Find out more with our below overview! Have a look at some of the recent resources and research on migration narratives, developed by various civil society organisations.

Eva Garzón Hernandez (Oxfam Intermón) and Stella Opoku-Owusu (AFFORD) told us how our perception of migration influences migrants’ lives and our communities, and how it can impact racism and discrimination.

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Changing migration narratives is possible!

Eva Garzón Hernandez (Oxfam Intermón) gave us some tips to promote a balanced narrative about migrants.

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Franciscans International, Tearing Down the Walls (2020), Challenging myths about migration from a human rights perspective (in ES, IT and PT)

Oxfam Intermón, A different perspective (2020), a compendium of perceptions of migration in Spain and recommendations for a narrative change; Barometer of disinformation and hate speech against migrants (in Spanish).

Initiatives and Campaigns

Asians in Focus initiative, created by the National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association (NAAPIMHA), shares the stories of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, & Pacific Islanders (AANHPI), including those of Asian descent. 

Asociación Rumiñahui (Spain), offers joint activities for migrants and the local population to get to know each other.

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ATSA (Canada), creates transdisciplinary works and events to raise public awareness of various social, environmental and heritage issues that are crucial and that need to be addressed. 

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Campaign, Come Nacido Entre Nosotros, (Latin America and Caribbean), brings together NGOs and Churches from the region to help integrate and support migrants and create inclusive local communities. 

El Barómetro de Xenofobia (Colombia), analyses public discourse about migrants on social media.  

Mundo en Movimiento, WE ARE MORE (Spain), network for civil mobilization against racism. 

Maldita Migración: fact-checking journalism vs hate trolls project.

OHCHR, #Standup4humanrights campaign to take action in our own daily lives, to uphold rights and promote the kinship of all human beings.

PICUM, #WordsMatter Initiative, campaign to promote balanced narratives on undocumented migrants.  

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Semillas de Paz (Ecuador), program run by migrants for resilient communities. 

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University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland), programme “Français pour tous”, voluntary language courses to promote the integration of migrants and refugees in their host communities. 

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