What is the size of the civil society delegation for the 15th GFMD Summit?
The Civil Society Mechanism is still waiting on the final delegation size as allocated by the GFMD Chair. We will update this as soon as the numbers are confirmed. As of now, we are operating a nomination process that can continue while the final numbers are confirmed.
I am interested in being part of the delegation, how can I apply to attend the 15th GFMD Summit?
If you are interested in attending the 15th GFMD Summit, you need to submit an expression of interest. The form will be circulated only to those who have attended past civil society activities as part of the 2024-2025 preparatory process. This means that there is no open application process for those who have never engaged in the 2024-2025 civil society activities led by the GFMD Civil Society Mechanism (CSM).
Anyone who has been active in the process, including members and focal points of the International Steering Committee (ISC), Local Organising Committee, and Working Groups, must submit an expression of interest / nomination to be considered for the Summit.
Please be aware that the secretariat of the CMS does not make the final decisions regarding attendees for the Summit. Like all significant decisions, this is subject to an approval process by the ISC. It is important to note that all nominations must meet the eligibility criteria (outlined below) to be considered for the delegation.
What are the criteria for all potential delegates?
Anyone expressing interest or being nominated for consideration as part of the civil society delegation for the 15th GFMD Summit must have been an active contributor and participant in the Civil Society 15th GFMD process. This means they must have registered for and attended one or more of the following:
- July 2024 Programme Consultations
- October 2024 First Thematic Dialogues
- February 2025 Second Thematic Dialogues
- April 2025 Third Thematic Dialogues*
This is a new criterion established in response to a majority demand and reflections by the delegation of the 14th GFMD last January, which called for the inclusion of newer voices, as well as ensuring that all delegate members are committed and active representatives at the Summit. This includes activities such as demonstrating a commitment to representing and advancing the civil society collective agenda, organising and proactively participating in bilaterals, side events and meetings, and being active contributors to the civil society preparatory process and the Summit sessions.
*Note: for the April 2025 Thematic Dialogues, the CSM team will send the Expressions of Interest form to everyone who has registered to attend by the end of the day, European time, on Friday, 28th March.
How is the delegation decided?
The CSM Secretariat will gather all nominations and expressions of interest. These expressions of interest will be forwarded to the relevant Working Group, which will make recommendations to the ISC. While the CSM Secretariat will ensure that the principles of regional, gender, organisational, and thematic diversity are respected, the decision-making body of the CSM, the ISC, will deliberate and ultimately approve the final delegation.
What is the deadline for nominations?
Expressions of interest open on Friday, 28 March, and close on 3 April at 23:59 CEST.
Can I nominate more than 1 representative from the same organisation/network?
Organisations and networks may nominate multiple representatives from their own organisations and networks; however, it is crucial that the final delegation is both strategic (comprised of proactive contributors and representatives committed to the civil society collective agenda), and reflects the diversity of civil society. This diversity will be considered across organisational, regional, gender-sensitive, and thematic dimensions, while also ensuring representation from grassroots and local levels. All organisations and networks submitting expressions of interest and/or nominations should keep in mind the significance of regional balance, gender balance, and representation from grassroots and local levels.
How can I request financial assistance?
If you require financial assistance to attend the 15th GFMD Summit, please indicate that in the designated question within the Nomination/Expressions of Interest Form.
The Chair has not allocated any funding for civil society participation in the Summit. The GFMD CSM will have to rely on its limited resources to offer full and partial sponsorship. Due to its very limited resources, the CSM will be able to fund less than 30% of the civil society delegation, and it will prioritise gender, regional, and organisational balance in the allocation of financial assistance.
When will the 15th GFMD Summit take place in Colombia?
The 15th GFMD Summit will be held in Barranquilla, Colombia, from June 11 to 13, with Preparatory Days on June 9 to 10.
What languages / translation will be available for the Summit?
The official languages for the GFMD are English, French, and Spanish. Accordingly, we encourage all nominations and expressions of interest from civil society representatives who are proficient in one of these languages. At present, we do not have further details on whether interpretation in all these languages will be available for all sessions of the Summit. This will be updated here as soon as information is confirmed.
I would like to host a side event; what is the criteria?
Please consult the official side events guidelines from the GFMD organisers and Chair: 15th Summit_Open Call for Side Events.pdf
Submit the application though this link by 18 April: 15th GFMD Summit Side Event Application Form
Please ensure that you email the CSM Secretariat to notify us of your application to host a side event. This is to ensure that all side events co-hosted by civil society are communicated to the entire delegation, enabling us to provide support and ensuring our awareness during the delegation selection process.
Also, note that the CSM Secretariat does not have the resources to provide financial or technical support for side evetns. However, we are happy to share any information we may have, for example, on interpreters that other CSOs are using.
Will there be an exhibition space at the Summit?
Yes, as in previous years, there will be a Marketplace of Ideas, a hub for showcasing initiatives on migration and development.
Please consult the official Marketplace of Ideas guidelines from the GFMD organisers and Chair: 15th Summit_Open Call for Marketplace.pdf
Submit the application though this link by 18 of April: 15th GFMD Summit GFMD Marketplace of Ideas Application Form
Please ensure that you notify the CSM Secretariat if you have applied for exhibition space, so that we can provide support accordingly.
Please note that we do not have any additional information at this stage on the format and organization of the 15th GFMD Summit, we will keep the civil society community informed about any updates.