2010: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
In Puerto Vallarta, the Civil Society Days were organized by the Fundación BBVA Bancomer. More than 400 delegates and observers from 80 countries, representing migrants and a wide range of civil society actors, international organizations and 33 governments, met during the Civil Society Days held on 8-9 November 2010.
2009: Athens, Greece
In Athens, the Civil Society Days were organized by the Onassis Foundation. Like in Manila, there were two days of civil society consultations and an interface with the governments on the last day. 225 delegates met during the Civil Society Days held on 2-3 November 2009.
- Programme 2009 GFMD Civil Society Days
- Report of the Proceedings CSD 2009 GFMD
- List of Participants GFMD 2009 CSD
2008: Manila, Philippines
In Manila, two Civil Society Days were organized by the Ayala Foundation on the same Roundtable themes of the government meeting. The Manila GFMD Civil Society Days provided a more extensive interface of the civil society actors with governments, an expansion of the range of stakeholders or sectoral representation, with special emphasis on the private sector, and a year-long consultation process at the national level. On 8-9 October 2008, 220 delegates from non-state organizations and bodies all over the world met to consider the rights and protection of migrants, the expansion of legal avenues for migration and the challenge of policy coherence within states and across borders.
- Programme 2008 GFMD Civil Society Days
- Report of the Proceedings CSD 2008 GFMD
- Statement CSD 2008 GFMD
- List of Participants GFMD 2008 CSD
2007: Brussels, Belgium
In Brussels a Civil Society Day was convened on 9 July 2007 by the King Baudouin Foundation before the start of the government meeting. More than 200 representatives of development, migration, and human rights NGOs, diaspora organizations, private sector actors, including money transfer associations, academics, and trade unions participated in the Civil Society Day. They discussed the government Roundtable themes and submitted their report at the closing plenary session of the Government meeting.